Witchcraft - The Witch of Today

By Julia Roslyn Antle
For centuries, the practice of witchcraft was considered an evil and foul tradition, and witches were hunted and killed, often by cruel and painful methods, usually by being burnt alive at the stake. Fear of witches and witchcraft was widespread throughout several areas of Europe and in some areas of a newly settled America. The witchcraft delusion was an epidemic affecting everyone, and even a simple accusation of being a witch, despite the absence of any real evidence, was often enough to condemn an individual to torture and death.
Thankfully, modern society has moved beyond such superstition and insanity, and today, witches are free to practice varying traditions of witchcraft openly and without fear of persecution. The Wiccan religion is perhaps the most well known form of modern witchcraft, thanks in part to movies and media attention. However, there are several forms of modern witchcraft being practiced today, though most have roots in ancient cultural traditions.
Modern witchcraft in western culture can be largely attributed to the influence and practices of three specific individuals. The first is Gerald Gardner, sometimes referred to as the Father of modern Witchcraft. In the late 1930s and during the 1940s, Gerald Gardner began establishing several covens throughout Britain in an attempt to revive the foundations of the old religion, which is closely related to modern Wicca.
Gerald Gardner was a public figure who wrote several books on the subject of witchcraft, helping to cast the old traditions in a new and positive light and reshape society's perspective of witchcraft.
Another individual of note is Margaret Murray, a British scholar who studied ancient witchcraft and also wrote of old religions, preceding Gerald Gardner's work by over 20 years. Her books are considered essential reference sources for practitioners of modern Wiccanism.
The third individual credited with influencing the contemporary witchcraft movement is Alexander Sanders. Alexander studied witchcraft as a young boy, as it was a family tradition passed down by his grandmother. Alexander also established several covens throughout Britain, and proclaimed himself the "king of witches."
While Wiccanism might be the most popular tradition of witchcraft studied and followed by modern society, other old traditions still exist. Native Americans and indigenous tribes located in Central and South America still practice shamanistic magic. Similarly, tribes in Africa and Australia look to their tribal witch doctors whenever tribal magic might be needed, whether it be asking the gods for a good hunt, or seeking to expel a sickness from a tribe member.
In Louisiana and Haiti, Voodoo is practiced, and similar traditions such as Santeria in the Spanish Islands, as well as other offshoots of voodoo such as Hoodoo and Macumba.
Most forms of witchcraft share common denominators -- rituals, spellcasting, and calling upon the gods for help or wisdom. Typically, most forms of witchcraft are also considered "white", or good, and are meant for healing and positive effects, rather than to induce harm, curses, or ill will towards an individual.
While many books and resources are available for those interested in Wicca and other forms of witchcraft, individuals should also take care not to treat witchcraft lightly or as a form of entertainment. Spells and rituals are best left to professional witches who have several years of experience and have studied extensively.
Considered a Gythia (Asatru High Priestess) among her Coven, Julia Roslyn Antle is a master of divination and dream interpretation. Her wisdom is sought-after by her peers, her colleagues as well as the public. http://www.7witches.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julia_Roslyn_Antle

Learning How to Become a Witch

By Juno Mane
How to become a witch is a simple question to which there is a simple answer.
You can learn how to become a witch and actually refer to yourself as a witch as soon as you wish. No one is a born witch but some people are definitely more predisposed towards witchcraft than others. Simply having ancestors who were witches does not mean you inherit their craft. There are no reasons or obstacles which should prevent anyone learning how to become a witch.
There is a period of learning basics and then you will be able to practice witchcraft even whilst you are a novice. The hardest part in learning how to become a witch is becoming disciplined and focused. You need full self examination, a wonder in the energies of nature, a belief in the God and Goddess, true divinity and most of all an open loving heart.
To become more complex, if you really want to know how to become a witch you should first ask yourself this probing question. Why do you want to know how to become a witch? It should not be born from a desire to hurt, gain power over others or cast spells using bad energy. This can do so much harm to everyone involved. There should be no thought of self gain behind your motives either, other than spiritual enlightenment of course!  So if you can answer this question in a positive manner, that you wish to practice the craft honestly for the good of all involved, then this religion is a world of discovery for you.
Witchcraft is a true religion and all around the world there are equivalents of the witch such as Shamans, Seers and Medicine men and women. These special people divine nature and use herbs and other natural substances to aid healthy practices and good magick.
Learning how to become a witch will require you to spiritually direct forces of nature, using the divinities, following the disciplines and most importantly, centering yourself comfortably within this concept.
You can remain 'in the closet' whilst learning how to become a witch, reading all the sources of literature you can for a short while. No one need know your plans or ideas, not that there is anything wrong with wanting to learn how to become a witch, or studying the Wicca and the craft, but it is still very misunderstood by lots of people. You can always say you are researching magickal practitioners if anyone asks!
Lots of novices struggle in learning how to become a witch on their own and often seek outside help. It is usual to try to locate a coven. This can be difficult as covens generally do not advertise their whereabouts. If you are lucky enough to find a coven you can encounter resistance at the outset. The problem is that covens are a balance of individuals which can be difficult to enter immediately. You may find yourself an outsider until you can prove yourself worthy and show you are not merely playing out a personal fantasy. Patience and gentle persistence is the way to gain approval from a coven. Always offer help and assistance and do not expect anything in return. Ask questions and be thankful of advice given by elders. A word of warning, until you are established and experienced be a little wary of any coven ethos. Most are full of good and honest people but a few covens do not have such good intentions.
Juno Mane is an experienced white-witch and writes articles on the subject of Wicca, Witches, and The Craft.
To find a trusted safe path of learning how to become a witch visit the white magick site http://www.witchingsecrets.com for help and advice and information on Witches, Wicca, The Craft and much more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juno_Mane

Wiccan Names

By Juno Mane
Who can deny the power of the personal name. We are all constantly referred to by the name chosen for us but can all Williams or Will Helms (Helmet of resolution) have the same qualities? Are all men called Charles the embodiment of manliness?
Wiccan or Magickal names are used by those who practice wicca to express who they really are, a sacred name usually known only to themselves and their coven or between themselves and their personal deity. What's more we brought our wiccan names with us at birth, we already know what it is, we may just need guidance to rediscover it.
Older and more "primitive " societies seemed to have known this as the name given to a child was rarely carried on into adulthood once their personal properties became known to others. It is unlikely that the Crow warrior" White Man Runs Him", one of Custer's scouts at the Little Big Horn, would have had this name from birth.
There are many ways in which our wiccan names can be revealed to us. The first step to discovery is to simply make the decision to do so. Make a conscious effort to clear your mind of everyday thoughts and concentrate on yourself. If you can physically go somewhere like a wood, a hill or a beach this, as we all know, can be of great help. If this is not possible nighttime can be a great time for reflective thought. Many people find meditation a great help in their search to rediscover their wiccan names whilst practicing witches will already have the benefit of the use of ritual and spells to aid them in their quest. Remember your name will be something sacred to you, something that will clearly represent all your true qualities, your true inner self.
Make a note of all the things that catch your attention, your fetch, your spirit guide, has always been with you and will want to help you to find it. Often your fetch can influence your dreams, so always keep a notepad by the bed to record your dreams as soon as you awake. Remember wiccan names can be of anything that will represent your true self, a type of plant, an element- wind, sun, rain etc, an animal- wolf , eagle, cat, a personal aptitude or skill such as dancing, singing, or gardening can reflect your relationship with a personal deity. Gradually this period of self reflection will reveal your true name.
Ask your closest friends or members of your coven their views on the wiccan names you choose, they will often see your strengths and weaknesses more clearly and perhaps more honestly than you do. Many people have two wiccan names, one for use within their coven and amongst close friends and one which is used solely between the witch and their personal deity.
Keeping the knowledge of your rediscovered name within your coven or immediate friends will concentrate the effect of the magick and increase its power.
The rediscovery of your wiccan names will reinvigorate your life. You will have a name that truly represents your spiritual self and which will work in harmony with your fetch. It will constantly remind you to be true to your real self and to discard the armor in which many of us feel the need to clothe ourselves in everyday life. Using your wiccan names will enable you to become closer to both your wicca circle and your chosen deity and will be a source of unique strength throughout your life.
Would you like to learn more about wiccan and witchcraft? Visit http://www.WitchingSecrets.com for details of a trusted safe path in learning white witchcraft.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juno_Mane

Witchcraft Symbols and Their Meaning

By A. Bachman
There are hundreds of different witchcraft symbols and each one has it's own use and meaning. Some of these witchcraft symbols are already well known, and even used in modern Christianity. Here are just a few of the major witchcraft symbols and their meaning.
The Pentagram, or the five pointed star. Though the exact meaning of this witchcraft symbol differs from one form of paganism to another, the basic meaning remains the same. This symbol represents the five natural elements of nature. Earth, water, fire, wind, and spirit or akasha.
The Pentagram is used for rituals as well as a symbol of protection and balance. It is a physical representation of the spirit being in balance with all of nature and the world around it. Wear a pentagram if you need protection or wish to ward off evil.
The Cross. That's right ladies and gentlemen, the cross is actually one of many witchcraft symbols. It became a Christian symbol when Christ was crucified on it. But we are talking about the pagan and witchcraft meaning. The cross has been used across many cultures through out history including the Egyptians, the Japanese, the Sumerians, and many others.
The most widely used representation of the cross is to represent the sun and as a sign of life giving power. It is also a symbol of life and fertility. The horizontal bar represents the physical existence. Our body and our life in essence. The vertical bar represents knowledge and understanding. To hang on the cross is a sign of having overcome the physical and to have entered the realm of understanding.
The triple goddess is another of witchcraft symbols. This symbol is a crescent moon on the left with the points facing to the left, a circle in the middle, and another crescent moon facing to the right on the right side of the circle. As the phases of the moon are very closely followed and used in witchcraft, this symbol represents three of the four phases of the moon. The first quarter, the full moon, and the last quarter.
The triple goddess symbol is a representation of the maiden, the mother, and the crone. The maiden represents enchantment, inception, expansion, and the promise of new beginnings. The mother represents fertility, sexuality, nurturing, fulfillment, and stability. The crone represents wisdom, death, and endings. Like the meaning of this witchcraft symbols, you have the maiden which is the waxing moon, the mother which is the full moon, and the crone with is the waning moon.
These are just a few of the many witchcraft symbols. Do some research and you will begin to find many more and their meanings. The key is to learn how to use these symbols in ritual to your advantage and to understand each key energy that the symbol represents.
To get more free spells that you can use right now, as well as the most advanced and secretive Witchcraft training, Click Here Now and start developing your true inner power. This is the most advanced step by step program on the market. You will get access to the Underground Guide To Witchcraft's Greatest Secrets, Your Complete Guide To White Witchcraft, Understanding Wicca, The Practice Of Witchcraft, Spell Casting Essentials, Step By Step Guide To Practicing Witchcraft, and much more. Get instant access by Clicking Here Now!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=A._Bachman

Do Spells and Witchcraft Exist

By Keith Ward
This question has been asked thousands even millions of times by an equal number of people, do spells and witchcraft exist. The answer is yes. They do exist, they are real and they do work. It is all a matter of what a person believes. To understand this one must first look at the definitions. A spell is a set of actions and words which are designed to produce a specific result. Witchcraft is the practice of magic or use of spells and incantations in order to create a particular set of results.
Witch and spell craft is usually associated with certain types of religious practices. This is because often in time these spells invoke the name of a particular divine being to oversee the caster and the event or individual that the spell is intended for. There are two main types of spells and witchcraft. These are generally referred to as White and Black. This is a simplified way of expressing the intention behind the spell. The words can be exactly the same; it is the intent behind the spell that makes it good or bad. Spells are like prayers. Candles are lit, incense is burned, stones are used all of which are designed to attract the attention of the intended action; words are written carefully in order to do the same. Everything in the universe is made of energy spells which are nothing more than ways of attracting a particular type of energy to the caster in order to obtain a particular result.
Witchcraft is nothing more than the learning and practice of this particular type of prayer. Both of these things exist, they work hand in hand and while these things have been associated with dark and evil images, it is not necessarily the way it is.
Does the type of witchcraft and spell craft, which appears in the movies, really exist? This is most often the type people classify or associate with these practices. The answer is while it is possible to attract enough energy to bring for those intentions whatever they may be the fact remains that few have the patience or determination to accomplish such feats. The amount of effort it takes to do something on such a large scale as seen in the movies is not worth the flashy results. Most of the time spell craft and witchcraft are used for the purpose of correcting things in a person's life. They are used for bringing in prosperity, success, and health.
There are also those that practice these arts with darker intentions. While these individuals and this side garners more attention it is not the majority of the existing practice. It is simply that there must be a balance of opposing forces. Good must have evil, right must have wrong, and the same principle applies here.
The important thing to remember is that these things while they exist in the world only work for those that truly believe in them and have faith in what they are doing. It is the intention that creates the action and as a result, whether or not they exist for a particular person is up to that person.
Basically witchcraft and spells exist and are the formation of ritual and pray for certain religious beliefs. They are actions and words designed to bring out the intention and attract the necessary and proper energy.
Keith Ward is the Founder and Director of the Circle of Professional Clairvoyants, which offers Psychic Readings with fully qualified Senior UK Clairvoyants and Psychics.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Keith_Ward



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